
Main library

Queries against a single Xymon server

>>> from xymon_client.xymon import Xymon
>>> xymon = Xymon('xymonserver01.example.net')
>>> response = xymon.ping()
'xymond 4.3.18\n'

>>> xymon.query('xymonserver02.example.net', 'fping')
'green Message generated by xymonserver01.example.net at mercredi 12 octobre 2016, 08:42:36 (UTC+0200) (executed every 180 sec)\n'

>>> xymon.ghostlist()
[Ghost(hostname='xyz.example.net', address='', timestamp=1476254463), Ghost(hostname='abc.example.net', address='', timestamp=1476254435), Ghost(hostname='Combo_xtradb', address='', timestamp=1476254444), Ghost(hostname='Combo_logs01Snalert01', address='', timestamp=1476254444)]

>>> xymon.drop('xyz.example.net', 'http')

Queries sample

>>> xymon = Xymon('xymonserver01.example.net')

>>> # query the Xymon server for yellow alerts
>>> # on hosts whose name starts with "www"
>>> # and only for the fields: hostname, testname and color
>>> xymon.xymondboard('host=^www color=yellow', 'hostname,testname,color')
[[u'www-portal.example.net', u'info', u'yellow'], [u'www02.example.com', u'http', u'yellow']]

>>> # this works all the same:
>>> xymon.xymondboard(
>>>  fields=('hostname', 'testname', 'color'),
...  criteria={'host': '^www', 'color': 'yellow'})
[[u'www-portal.example.net', u'info', u'yellow'], [u'www02.example.com', u'http', u'yellow']]

Queries to multiple Xymon servers at once

>>> from xymon_client.xymon import Xymons # note the subtle difference
>>> xymon = Xymons(['xymonserver01.example.net', 'xymonserver02.example.net'])
>>> response = xymon.ping()
{'xymonserver02.example.net:1984': 'xymond 4.3.18\n', 'xymonserver01.example.net:1984': 'xymond 4.3.18\n'}


from xymon_client.xymon import Xymon
from xymon_client.helpers import *

# create an object with default hostname and default service
xc = Helper(Xymon('xymon.example.net'), 'www.intra.example.net', 'http')

# add a message
xc+= "I see something wrong, let's make it &yellow\n"
xc+= 'Oops, now &red, something gone pear shaped...\n'

# what is the current error level?
xc.color # should be red

# 1. send the content of the current buffer with text added at the end
# 2. override the global color of the message (from red to yellow)
# 3. clear the buffer
xc.status('but it is not *that* bad', color=yellow)

# now the buffer has been cleared

# send another message, same hostname but different service name
xc.status('do not shoot the messenger!', service='logs')


A command-line interface is also provided; see: xymon-client -h or python -m xymon_client -h.


$ xymon-client -s xymon01.example.net query --hostname www-portal.example.net --testname info
'yellow Message generated by c234d183-069b-447e-73ab-84d5 at 2019-01-29T16:14:01\n'